We have an issue on a custom menu we made to generate a pick list from a list of shop order operations.
In our developement, we have this :
IF (p_user_language_ = 'FR') THEN
v_consolidate_ := 'Entrepôt';
ELSIF (p_user_language_ = 'EN') THEN
v_consolidate_ := 'Warehouse';
ELSIF (p_user_language_ = 'PT') THEN
v_consolidate_ := 'Warehouse';
--v_order_no_BP_ contains a list of ORDER_NO with ; as separated value, the length of v_order_no_BP_ is 287 characters
message_ :='!
The problem we are having is about the call of the procedure, saying there is a out of space problem on a variable.
What can we do to fix this issue?