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How to: Edit your own post


If you made a mistake while writing your post, or if you simply want to add more information, then you can do this by following these steps:

Please go to the post which you would like to change. Hover your mouse over the three dots on the right bottom corner, and click on "Edit":

Note: When you are new to the community, the time in which you can edit a post is limited to 60 minutes. Users with a higher rank have no limit for editing their posts. Should there be private information in your post which you would like to see removed, please report the topic to a Moderator. How to report inappropriate content


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Amila Samarasinghe
Superhero (Partner)
Is there any way to delete posts made by themselves?

amila wrote:
Is there any way to delete posts made by themselves?

Hi Amila - I'm investigating permissions. For the time being, if there is something you'd like deleted, please Flag it using the bottom 3 dots at the bottom of the post. Just leave a note for the moderator saying you'd like it removed!

KristenGastaldo wrote:

amila wrote:
Is there any way to delete posts made by themselves?
Hi Amila - I'm investigating permissions. For the time being, if there is something you'd like deleted, please Flag it using the bottom 3 dots at the bottom of the post. Just leave a note for the moderator saying you'd like it removed!

As it stands now, you cannot delete your own posts. You can edit them for a short time after posting. The reasoning is that you wouldn't want people to remove their questions, as they may be helpful to the larger community. And you wouldn't want people to remove their comments, as they may remove helpful advice or context from the conversation. Let me know if you have questions. Moderators will be happy to review requests for removal with the Flag option.

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