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Tax ID Type, Layout Format Definition

  • November 7, 2022
  • 0 replies

Do Gooder (Customer)
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 20 replies

 Dear Community,

I start to set up Tax ID Types for European Member countries. Target is to set up the Tax ID Layout Format so that IFS can validate Tax ID structure when we set up Tax IDs for customers. 

For the most countries Formats are easy e.g. for Denmark ID should start with DK and should have 8 characters, so set up layout is DKXXXXXXXX.

Unfortunately, not all countries have simple rules, how layout format should be set up …

  1. If countries have different length e.g. like Bulgaria 9 or 10 characters? 
  2. If one character has to be a letter e.g. Cyprus, last character must be a letter
  3. France, 11 characters May include alphabetical characters
  4. Ireland, 8 or 9 characters Includes one or two alphabetical characters (last, or second and last, or last 2)
  5. Spain, 9 characters Includes 1 or 2 alphabetical characters (first or last or first and last)

regards Sebastian

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