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Add project in Posting type M1 during Project Deviverables Shipment (PD-SHIP)

  • 16 March 2023
  • 4 replies

Dear All,

How can we add the project in the posting for posting type M1 when we do a Projects Dilverables Shipment, Inventory in IFSAPPs 10?


In APPs10 it's not picked but wehn we setup the same configuration in a CLOUD enviroment it's picked up.


Are there new features added to cloud so that's possible?



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @RLGroener 

Can you check if the M1 account is excluded from project follow-up? Go to account window and search for the account. You will have a checkbox. See example below



Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Thanks for this respond.

It's not checked at the moment.

But in the cloud environment where it works it's also not checked.


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Well then that is strange. If you have the same setup but not the same result. If it is not checked, the only reason I can see, the inventory is not connected to a project in purchase order.

You can go to inventory part in stock window, find the inventory part and you have Transfer to Project Inventory on right mouse. Try moving to project inventory and then ship the goods



Userlevel 5
Badge +9



Thank you for you reaction.
Yes that helps together with fact that is was tested on a APP10 version with UPD7.
IFS mentioned the at least UPD8 is needed because that version has some standard corrections


