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Hi Team,

How can i identify SLA details on resources screen easily without clicking any options like activity screen.

In activity screen we have options as below:



So can you please check & Confirm. In legends its shows as we can easily identify like below, so where i need to do the configuration for this. 


Or is there any way in Resources screen i can easily find the SLA details without any click, please suggest.




Hi Team,

Can anyone pls respond on above query.



You can see the SLA on the resource screen by opening the Activities panel and including allocated activities. This will show the SLA in a similar was as on the Activities screen.


You can see the SLA on the resource screen by opening the Activities panel and including allocated activities. This will show the SLA in a similar was as on the Activities screen.


I would like to see the details in Resources screen, without clicking.. As per your feedback we can check on activites, but in activities we may be having multiple activites assigned for future too.. i want to see only the task planned for day & based on resources screen, not on activies screen
