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MS Visual Studio 2022 FSMVSPackage installation

Hi all,


In Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (MS VS 2022), I noticed that the FSMVSPackage extension cannot be installed.

I want to use the extension for the FSM Report Customization.

The installation worked fine with MS VS 2017.


I obtained the extension from the following post (FSMVSPackage):


My Current MS VS Version: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) -  Version 17.9.7

Error message when installing: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.


  • Is there a way to get the extension to run?
  • Or can I customize the extension so that it also works with MS VS 2022?
  • Or is there a newer version of the extension that works with MS VS 2022?


Best regards

Lars Gießler

14 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi Lars,

there is a newer version available (released with Update 20) which is compatible with VS22. I have attached it here.



Best regards

Userlevel 1
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Hi Roman,


Thanks for the fast reply. I will test whether this works for me and give feedback after.


Best regards


Userlevel 1
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Hello Roman,

I have been trying to install the FSMVSPackage for quite a long time now, unfortunately without success.

Perhaps you have an idea what the problem is or whether I have done something wrong.

In the meantime, I have completely reinstalled MS VS 2022 and tried to install the package with the 2022 version. During the installation I followed the attached instructions step by step.

After each attempt, the installer ends with the following error message (translated from German):

"The installation of "FSMVSPackage2022" could not be completed successfully for all selected products. For more information, click on the installation log link at the bottom of the dialogue box"

I have attached the install log as a file. 

Maybe I have missed something and you can help me.

Best regards

Userlevel 7
Badge +24

Hi Lars,

I’m not too familiar with the FSMVSPackage Installation but looking at your log file I see this error:

 Package 'FSMVSPackage2022.0b9721be-8729-45f7-b2ae-d21e3c6840ac,version=1.0' failed to install. System.IO.IOException: The file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\BarcodeStandard.dll' already exists.

Eventually you have to uninstall the old package prior installing the new one?

Best regards

Userlevel 1
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Hi Roman,

Thank you for your quick reply.

Perhaps I have expressed myself in a misleading way.

  • I have uninstalled the old version of MS VS 2017 including FSMVSPackage and cleaned up all remaining data to rule out errors in this direction from the outset.
  • I then installed MS VS 2022 and the corresponding FMSVSPackage2022.
  • The error message with the BarcodeStandard.dll appears even if the FSMVSPackage2022 is freshly installed without the folder already being created.

Is FSMVSPackage2022 the only version available for MS VS 2022?

Best regards

Userlevel 7
Badge +24

Hi Lars,

that’s strange. I provided you the latest version that I could find in our software archive.
Did you run the setup as Admin? Maybe there is an issue with some permissions while installing? Also, did any of your colleagues tried to install it yet?
However, at this stage you should consider raising a support ticket to get further help from our support team.

Best regards

Userlevel 1
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Hi Roman,


thanks again for the quick reply and your effort.


Yes I’ve run the setup as Admin. At the moment my colleagues are using the MS VS 2017 Version with the compatible FMSVSPackage. But they are going to upgrade to MS VS 2022 as well in the near future. So I’m a bit of a test dummy in this case and want to be sure, that everything works as planned.

I’ve opened a case in the IFS service portal and hope that I can be helped there.


Best regards


Userlevel 7
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Thanks Lars. Please update this thread as soon as you have received a solution. That way we can ensure that other customers who are facing the same problem will be able to solve it.


Best regards

Userlevel 1
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Hi Roman, 

i will share my solution, as soon as i get a reply.

Best regards


Userlevel 7
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I just noticed that I forgot to include the documentation with the VS Package above. Here it is attached. Although I doubt that it will bring you any additional information to fix your issues but just for completness.

Best regards

Userlevel 1
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@roman kolar 

The documentation was already included with your last files. But thanks anyway.


Best regards


Badge +1

@lgiessler @roklde 

I tried the following and it worked.

If exists, remove the following dlls from the PublicAssemblies directory,

  • BarcodeStandard.dll
  • System.Drawing.Common.dll
  • Metrix.UI.ClientReports.dll 

Now, do the installation again. It creates the above dlls again during installation and goes through to completion without an error. 

Userlevel 1
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Hi @mmalek,

I will try this solution in the course of the day and will let you know if it worked.

Best regards


Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @mmalek,

deleting the .dll files you mentioned helped.

For anyone who may have the same problem and is reading this, here's what I did:

  1. Removed all components related to Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 or older versions
  2. Fresh reinstallation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
  3. I think these are optional to get the extension running, but i installed them beforehand: 
    1. Installed MS Reporting Services Projects 2022
    2. Installed MS RDLC Designer
  4. Tried to install FSMVSPackage2022 provided by @roklde and got the error, that .dlls are already there.
  5. Deleted the .dlls suggested by @mmalek under the path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
    1. BarcodeStandard.dll
    2. Metrix.UI.ClientReports.dll 
    3. System.Drawing.Common.dll
  6. Installed FSMVSPackage2022 successfully without errors.

Thanks everyone for helping with this topic.

Best regards

