I am creating a script that will allow the task_types to appear according to the chosen task_category.Â
If I choose multiple task_categories, then in the task_type lookup it should appear all the values that are beloging to the task categories that I have chosen.Â
This is running on the filters of the Task List screen.Â
I created this script that already allows me to do that, but there is a bug, if I choose multiple task_types, the task_type label only fills me with one.
var taskCategory = getControlValue('task','task_category');
var activeCriteria={};
    activeCriteriai'locked'] = 'Y';
    activeCriteriaÂ'itemName'] = '';
    activeCriteria 'functionItemName'] = 'global_code_table.active';
    activeCriteriar'value'] = 'Y';
var codeNameCriteria = {};
    codeNameCriteria]'itemName'] = '';
    codeNameCriteriam'functionItemName'] = 'global_code_table.code_name';
    codeNameCriteriaa'value'] = 'task_type';Â
var codeValueCriteria={};  Â
    codeValueCriteriae'itemName'] = '';
    codeValueCriteriad'functionItemName'] = 'global_code_table.code_value';
    codeValueCriteriam'value'] = ;Â
var oriSystemCriteria={}; Â
    oriSystemCriteria 'locked'] = 'Y';
    oriSystemCriteria{'itemName'] = '';
    oriSystemCriteriad'functionItemName'] = 'global_code_table.user_def3';
    oriSystemCriterias'value'] = taskCategory;
var navItems={};
    navItems.searchCriteriab'global_code_table.code_value']= codeValueCriteria;
    navItems.searchCriteriav'global_code_table.code_name']= codeNameCriteria;
    navItems.searchCriteriaÂ'global_code_table.active']= activeCriteria;
    navItems.searchCriteriab'global_code_table.user_def3']= taskCategory;
    var selectComp=openPopup('TASK_CATEGORY_LOOKUP',navItems);
    if (selectComp.selectedRow)
 For example : I open the task_type lookup and select 2 lines, and when I hit the search button, the task_type label only shows one value and it only searches for the value that is populated and not the two I chose.
 Does anyone know a better way of doing this kind of filterting /dependency or how I can resolve this error ?Â