Hi Marianne,
Thanks for asking here.
There is currently no setting for controlling that. It would not be bad to have one but, surprisingly, this is the first time I hear about the idea :)
I suggest you file a an idea/request here on Community, if you have the possibility to do so.
You can probably fix this with a custom event with a custom event action connected to it. It would look for new file references where Document Type = VIEW, and check if the document was just made from an old one. If so, it can remove the file reference, and the file. If the file is stored in the database, otherwise it is messier... On the other hand, perhaps it will work just removing the file reference and keeping the file since the system will not know about it without the file reference... And, eventually, a new view copy will overwrite the wrong one in the repository.
If you trigger on the file reference tab you will get the dreaded "mutating table", but it can be overcome. Search for "mutating table" here on Community and you will find posts that discuss various solutions on how to avoid that.
Good luck!