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Hi everyone,

I am currently working on a migration project which is happening IFSAPPS9 to the Cloud. I am having some difficulties with migrating the Users we have in the apps9. I have migrated those we will use partially. What I meant while saying “partially” is some of parts are missing (IAM user), and that’s made those not functional users. In order to migrate the other data I couldn’t find the related table in the database (at least the view name which is written in the debug console). After that I though maybe I can add the columns in the source mapping. However, I don’t know the flags and constraints, It was mapped wrong I believe (Because of entering wrong flags). 

1- Where can I find the table name in database for IAM or at least how can extract the data?

2- If I have the flags, Can I do that migration with migration job or your advice will be something else?
3- What is the best practice for migration of users depends on your experiences?

Besides that I am open for any advice and your past experiences 

P.S: I have migrated the users but some boxes are blank (e.g. IAM user), and I prefer to do migration instead of manual entering.

Thanks very much in advance,

Hi Ahmet,

you can have a look at this post.
Migrating Users in Cloud environments | IFS Community

or search for "user" in the search bar. There are already topics where this has been discussed.

