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I am setting up a data migration project for a client running IFS 2004 migrating into Apps 10 UPD8. In the Apps 10 database I have created local VIEWs in a separate schema named IFS2004 using a database link to their IFS 2004 database. This makes it easy to use the FNDMIG input of using a VIEW/TABLE as the data source. Its fast and easy.

Does anyone have any pre-built data migration (FNDMIG) jobs for customers, suppliers, etc. that you can export and share (PL/SQL format preferred please)?

Your assistance will keep me from having to re-invent the wheel.

Thank you for your help!


So the customer is skipping all the updates that bring over the data as well?

So what are your thoughts on transactional data for this customer? I think it will become quite complex to use migration jobs for these as well.

Have you given it a thought to use insert into select to copy the data via the link?



Thank you for the feedback. IFS 2004 is too old to upgrade to IFS ERP Apps 10. The client has selected to re-implement the software. The transactions data and history will remain in the IFS 2004 system and users can connect to this legacy system if they need to lookup older records.


Copying data directly into tables is a bad idea for several reasons. If you do this you stand a good chance is creating invalid records and you are bypassing the checks on the data IFS perform when you use the API’s to create new records.


My original request was put out there to see if anyone had a set of jobs they could export to save me a couple days work. I have spent a small amount of time required to create about 40 jobs that migrate over customers, suppliers, parts, etc. needed to create the baseline records in the IFS ERP Apps 10 system.


Ok, learned something again. Sorry couldn't be of any help. Did Excel migration help you in IFS10? So export data via quick report or the manual SQL (was it RMB in the navigator of quick report that allowed you to run locally stored SQLs?) and use that as input in Excel. Helps the users to clean up the data where needed.

