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include customer order of component in inventory planning for finished good

Kindly I have a customer orders for a product (Finished good), we need to include the component of this finished good into the inventory part availability planning process. Currently system include the shop orders created for that finished good only, your help is appreciated.

Bilal Drayi


@bldrayi normally all the inventory parts should show up in Inventory Part Availability Planning. Depending on the part type of those components (manufactured or purchased) you should see in the IPAP of the component part no some Purchase Reqs or Shop Order Reqs after MRP runs and there’s not enough on hand stock.

Could you maybe include some screenshots to be able to tell what’s going on in your system?

Thank you for your prompt reply. kindly find attached 3 screenshots, we need to have planning for the component RM-0010. component part type is purchased and finished good part PB-005 is manufactured.





@bldrayi The IPAP page provides only the supply/demand situation for one part; it does not account for the supply/demand situation for any of its components.

For a view of the current planning situation for the components:

  • In the MRP Part Information page, search for the FG part. In the Gross Requirements tab you can expand the tree to select a component to see the Supply/Demand and MRP Projected On Hand quantities.
  • In the MRP Action Proposals page you can see the messages generated from the latest MRP run for the components. Some of the priority messages are Late Order, Negative Projected On Hand, Early Order, Remove Orders, Supply is Past Due, Plan Supply is Past Due, Plan Supply Start Date is Past Due, Demand is Past Due.

@bldrayi Could you clarify what you are wanting to see in the IPAP pages for the parent PB-005 and the component RM-0010?

Why MRP part information doesn't appear for the site PF (manufacturing site) they are working on it, it appears for other sites.

Thank you.

in IPAP we need to see if a component is queried, the customer order should appear for the FG which has same component RM-0010 .

Best Regards,

Why MRP part information doesn't appear for the site PF (manufacturing site) they are working on it, it appears for other sites.

Thank you.

Has MRP been run for site PF?

in IPAP we need to see if a component is queried, the customer order should appear for the FG which has same component RM-0010 .

Best Regards,

Since MRP does not create pegged orders, in the IPAP page for the component RM-0010 you will never see Customer Order number 28000126 in the Order Ref 1 column, you will see only the shop order numbers for part PB-005 (or any other parent part demands) in the Order Ref 1 column.


Has MRP been run for site PF?

No, is it mandatory to run MRP to get it and appear with IPAP.

Best Regards,

@bldrayi MRP needs to be run so see the supply/demand situation.

So in your example you have:

  • CO Line for PB-005 - as the line is released, you will see the demand in IPAP
  • MRP needs to be run → if not enough qty on hand → MRP will create a shop order req → convert that to shop order
  • Run MRP again → if not enough qty on hand for RM-010 → MRP will create a Purchase Requisition for the component RM-010 needed on the shop order to produce PB-005

In all cases you need to have MRP scheduled to run at least daily to be able to see the correct demand/supply situation in IPAP
