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We have a lot of change forms which are using substitution keywords $LOGGED_ON_SVD and $LOGGED_ON_ASSYST_USER in custom fields.


We did an update from 11.5.1 to 11.6 and I would have expected that the legacy keywords would be automatically replaced with the javabean-like notation, but it still shows the old notation in the forms. 

When trying to copy an existing form with legacy keywords in the Layout Designer it throws an error: The default value of this expression is invalid.

Same error shows up when re-saving a custom field with such a default value expression.


Seems like a bug or am I missing something?


Best regards,




Can I ask you to log this with our support team to investigate this issue for you. Thanks

Hello Christian,

Legacy keywords ($ + upper-case keywords such as <code>$AFFECTED_USER_SC</code>) are not converted when migrating to assyst 11.6.

For more information , please see our Knowledge article :


Kind Regards,


