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Event interval



Where can I find the Interval setting for events in PM actions in IFS? I want to configure different PMs to generate at different intervals within the same event. I´m usin IFS Cloud.


Its described in a answer 3 years ago; 


“When you enter the event data into your PMs you just enter as follows.

  • PM ‘X’ - Event = <event name> , Start = 1, Interval = 1
  • PM ‘Y’ Event = <event name> , Start = 1, Interval = 3

Now when running your event generation for event <event name> you will get PM ’X’ generated each time and PM ‘Y’ every third time.”


kind regards Emma

8 replies

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi ​@EmerentiaC 

Kindly note that the old Event generation functionality has changed and in the new functionality, there is no place to enter the event interval. Instead, it works like this.

Let’s say you have a PM Action and some work needs to be done during a power outage. So the event is “Power Outage”.


Let’s say there is a power outage, and you need to record it in the event. Make sure that the period status is active.


Now you can see a maintenance plan line created in the PM Action for the power outage.


Now execute event generation job (background job needs to be ready) and work orders will be created.



This is how the current functionality works.

Once it is done you can set the event period to complete and if another power outage occurs, you can enter new period in the same event action.



Event-based generation gives you maintenance with PM actions that occur at different times, depending on a certain event. This can be an occasional event like for example a breakdown, but can also be a recurring event like a monthly shutdown or a yearly shutdown etc. When you add an event into a PM action on the Maintenance Triggers tab in section Event, all connected date periods in status Planned and Active will appear as lines in the maintenance plan. 

  • An event can have several date periods connected where each date period has a certain status. Event date periods must be in status Planned or Active to appear as maintenance plan lines and be in status Active to be part of an event generation.

As a result of this activity the event will be connected to the PM action. If there are event date periods in status Planned or Active they will appear as maintenance planning lines. Date periods in status Active will be part of an event generation.


Hope this explanation helps.

Best Regards,



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 6 replies
  • March 10, 2025

Hi @Thilini Kumarasinghe,


Thank you so much for your time and effort in answering my question – I truly appreciate your support.

It's a bit of a shame that the feature is no longer available, as it sounded like it could have been very useful. 

Thanks again for your help!

Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Glad to be of help. You are most welcome 🙂

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 34 replies
  • March 11, 2025

@Thilini Kumarasinghe We are currently working on upgrading our IFS10 version to IFS Cloud version. We are surprised to see that event interval functionality has been omitted in the redesign of the PM event generation feature in IFS Cloud.

This feature is extensively used in Event Planning (Plant Shut Down, Major Shut Down, etc.).

There are currently 963 active PM Actions with an Event Interval greater than 1.


We would like to know how the event interval functionality can be achieved in IFS Cloud.

Kindly explain how the Event and Event PM Action can be setup to achieve the following example.

Could you please also explain how PM Actions in IFS 10 with an Event Interval greater than 1 are upgraded to the IFS Cloud version?



Tumut Pape Mill is run 24*7. Obstructive maintenance work is planned during shutdowns.

Tumut annual MSD is one of the major events which is planned in IFS Application including more than 3000 PM Actions. (Timberbiz » Annual shutdown at Visy Tumut mill)

PM Action: Replace chip pump in every 2nd MSDFL ((Major Shut Down Fibre Line)) Event

For this PM, work orders should not be created with every event generation. Instead, they should be generated on the second event generation following the last event generation where a work order was created. There are numerous similar PMs, making a manual workaround impractical.





Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)


Hi Thilochana,

Kindly check below explanation to check whether your requirement can be fulfilled.


Here you can create 2 Events.

1 for maintenance activities that needs to be done during annual shut down- TH-MSD-1YEAR

1 for maintenance activities that needs to be done every 2-year shut down- TH-MSD-2YEAR

TH-MSD-1YEAR event should be connected to the PM Actions that needs to be done annually.

TH-MSD-2YEAR event should be connected to the PM Actions that needs to be done every 2 year.


How to define it in the application:


1. Create an event and enter the periods. Periods can be entered later as well.


2. Create a PM Action and connect above event and activate it. At the moment, there will be no plan lines in the PM Action - Maintenance plan tab.


3. Now let’s say it’s the 1st shut down in 2023. Then you need to first plan the relevant period (Status > Plan). Once you plan it, a maintenance plan lines will be created for each PM action that are connected to this event and within the validity period. Then activate the period (Status > Active). Once the period is active, you can create work orders.



4. Execute event generation job. Work orders will be created for the PM Actions connected to this event.



  1. Complete the 1st period. Then let’s say now 2 years passed and it’s December 2025. It’s time for the shutdown and you can activate the relevant period (only 1 period in the event can be active at a time per site). A maintenance plan line will be created and once event generation job is executed, a work order will be created.



Hope this helps.

This functionality changed from IFS Cloud 22R2 version and onwards. In earlier cloud versions still, the old functionality exists.


Best Regards,



  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 34 replies
  • March 12, 2025

@Thilini Kumarasinghe

Hi Thilini,


Thank you for your Input.

However, it does not meet our requirements.

  • Even though the given example is an annual event, there are many plant-level events that occur without a specific period. It's difficult to predict when the next event will happen, but when it does, the event interval should be taken into account. Following is an example of how one of the Plant Shut Down events  has been executed through out the last couple of years. You would see that there is no particular pattern in the generated time.

Following  are the count of PM Actions attached to the same event  having different event intervals


  • If new events need to be created for each PM with an event interval greater than 1, a large number of new events will have to be generated. This makes it very challenging for planners to manually add and maintain the event periods. It's not practical for planners to keep track of when each PM was completed and when it needs to be done again.
  • Currently, in many business sites, Event PM actions are properly set up, and they only need to run the Event Generation to plan the WOs related to an event. With this new feature, they will need several days to plan all the events by manually adding event periods and considering the event interval.

Having Event, Event Period No, and it’s status on WT level is really helpful to filter the relevant Tasks/WOs related to a particular event generation. If the new solution could  be extended to consider the event interval too, that would be ideal.

When comparing the old solution to the new one, 'Event Seq' can be mapped to 'Event Period No'. It appears that the new solution can be extended to incorporate the event interval. During the planning of the event period, relevant maintenance plan lines can likely be set to 'No' for generation by considering the event interval.

We would also like to understand how event generation data (pm_generation_tab) and event interval data are mapped into the IFS Cloud system when upgrading from an older IFS version.


If required, a support case can  be created to continue discussions further. Please advice.

Your input is highly appreciated, as this is currently a go-live stopper for the upgrade.





Thilini Kumarasinghe
Ultimate Hero (Employee)

Hi Thilochana,

Yes, it would be better to send a support case, so that we can further look into this matter and get Product Development (RnD) team’s opinion as well.

Best Regards,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 6 replies
  • March 21, 2025

Hopefully, the Product Development team will be able to solve this function i cloud.


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