We would like to test the possibilty to export data to an azure storage and import from an azure storage,
Do you have a document which explain the set up ? for the Azure we can use blob, fileshare ? what is the container name ? is it blob container name ?
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Hi Christophe,
I found this in the Integration Guide.PDF:
I believe that yes it is a storage blob container and am confirming this with R&D as well to see if they have any further information or documentation.
Hi Christophe,
I will confirm now that the Azure Storage is referring to the Azure storageblob container you create to host the files. Additional general information was found in the Knowledge Base Indexes - Browser Agnostic.pdf
In that document, the setup is described for using an Azure storeageblob container as the repository for the index files.
Note the three items listed last are what you will need to configure for the import/export.
An example of the connection string would be:
DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=evmyblobtest1;AccountKey=<accountkey replaced for security>==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net