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UPD release delivery time IFS10

  • September 23, 2022
  • 5 replies

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 39 replies

What is normal time to get UPD deliveries?
We have requested IFS to deliver files for new UPD three weeks ago.
We haven’t yet get any information when we might get these files. Notes on support case just tell, that they are building some internal environment.

Fully standard implementation without extensions or localizations
IFS10 UPD12 → UPD 17

5 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 139 replies
  • September 23, 2022


it divers, IFS needs to merge internally explicit everything for you as a custmomer with may different bugfixes included than others. Do not forget to ask about the default bugfixes for a UPD which can be around 50 extra “G..” cases. 

In my experience it was 2-4 weeks. Do ask about a status update and an ETA.



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 39 replies
  • December 15, 2022

Just FYI, we have now wait UPD 3,5 month (G2348029)

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 80 replies
  • December 15, 2022

We requested our UPD update back in May, with delivery to be in August. When IFS took it up, it was July, and start August we got an ETA to be in September. We have got like 4 - 5 ETA updates, but are still awaiting.

It is not very satistying to say the least.


Priyanjala Silva
Sidekick (Employee)

Hi @Jouni , @Arend  and @JohannesKnust ,


There will be a lead time of 2-4 weeks until your UPD request (Case/ServiceNow Request) is accepted by a member of the UPD team in general.

It depends on the factors such as,

  •   ongoing UPD workload
  •   resource availability within the team
  •   awaiting release of extensions and localizations compatible with the target UPD level by R&D and other Market Unit teams etc.

Once the UPD request is accepted by a member, UPD Analysis will be carried out to check the suitability of the internal environments to do the UPD Apply (availability of internal DEV/development and BNT/Build and Test environments, invalid objects in databases, syntax / file errors, Auto-builder status etc.), identify the impacted customizations and calculate the time estimation etc.

Upon completion of the UPD Analysis task, you'll be informed of an ETA for UPD delivery by the case/incident owner handling the UPD case/request. ETA will include time estimations based on 4 main activities carried out during UPD cycle.

  • Update merge time - Approximately 3 - 14 days

UPD Merge time will vary depending on the complexity of the customer's solution set. During this phase activities such such as Core Merge, Uplifting of impacted R&D extensions (eg: IFS Global Extension, Oil & Gas Extension etc), Uplifting localizations (eg : Freight Interface, Credit Card Interface etc) and VAPS (eg : CIS/HMRC VAP), Analyzing and uplifting impacted customizations, Applying mandatory patches, Build and installation of the Update in the internal DEV environment will take place.

If the solution set comprises only of IFS Core solution, it would take about 3-5 days to complete the UPD merge and installation in the DEV environment.

  • CRIM Verification time - Approximately 3 - 14 days

This activity will be carried out only if the customizations in "Approved" State (Customizations handed over to IFS Support with relevant Functional and Technical Specifications in English language) are modified/ uplifted during the UPD merge.
The testing time will vary based on the complexity of the impacts and functional/test flows available in the functional specification. This time will be provided to the case owner by Consultant BSAs of relevant product teams during the UPD Analysis phase.

  • Delivery time -  Approximately 3 - 7 days

For customers who have completed Delivery Onboarding with IFS Support and the delivery is handled by the GSD delivery team, installation of the Update in the Build and Test (BNT) environment and uploading the release to FTP or handing over to Cloud Coordination team (For IFS Managed Customers) will take place at this stage.

  • Additional Buffer/Lead time - To be decided by the relevant case/incident owner depending on the situation

Additional time will be required if the task owners (working on UPD Apply task / delivery task) encounter any errors/ unexpected environment issues.

Also note that the above mentioned time estimations will vary depending on the resource availability and ongoing work at a given time. UPD case owner/ incident owner will always keep you updated on the time estimations, ETA and any changes to the schedules during the UPD cycle.


  • Please refer the below community post on update process and potential lead times. 



  • Always create your UPD request early as possible to avoid unnecessary overhead. If you have a preferred timeline to get the Update installed in TEST/PROD environments, please communicate them  to the team manager early. This will be very helpful during resource allocation.
  • Clearly indicate about your urgency in the UPD request giving valid reasons for case escalation (eg: Timeline for Go Live, Month End Payroll activities etc). 
  •  If you have the Update Subscription included in your Support Agreement (eg : PLATINUM, GOLD), plan to take Updates with minimum gap (eg: 2 UPD level, 3 UPD level). When the UPD Gap is low, the potential risk of unexpected errors during UPD installations is minimum and the environments are intact.


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 39 replies
  • March 7, 2023

Just FYI
We have now wait UPD 6 months, we had even project go live last week. 
We haven’t got any ETA even asked few times.



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