We are migrating to Apps 10 from Apps 9.
We have been using applications since 2002.
The Oracle database will be reinstalled and migrated to 19c.
The following parameters are present and cannot be changed.
- IFS instances: 3 (DEV, TEST, PROD)
- Oracle licensing, usage is only on one server!
- Oracle runs on bare metal and the failoverstrategy is a cold standby.
- MiddleWare 3 (DEV, TEST, PROD)
If I understand the requirements correctly, only one PDB is supported with one CDB for each instance?
So I need to install 3 CDBs with 3 PDBs?
In this case I cannot setup a resource plan for this 3 instances.
Plus I got a overhead with with the cdb and it is more complicated to administer.
All 3 instances con influence each other.
I realy don’t understand this restriction from IFS.
The database should work tranparent for the extended server?
The negative aspects outweight the positive one.
Anyway I’m thinking about to skip the implemantation for CDB and use the depricated non-CDB version until oracle 20 or IFS supports multitenant?
What do you think?
Thank you