
23R1 Conditional Formatting - Date Columns

Badge +2

Hi all.
We’ve been testing the new Conditional Formatting feature to be added in 23R1. One user inquired about whether or not its possible to utilize Conditional Formatting for Date fields. In their example, they were hoping to mark all activities past a finish date in red. The dropdown in the conditional formatting menu did not include this date.


The menu does include some Date fields as options, but not all of them, and the “Condition” option only brings up the standard date selector from the filter view. Have specific date fields purposefully not been added, and is it possible to add better options to the “Condition” field for Date fields in general.


Also are there any plans to adjust the dropdown list to be in alphabetical order, and allow users to type in the column name into the Formatting Attribute or Column fields to find the desired column faster. Currently the user is required to scroll down and find the correct column they wish to use.


6 replies

Badge +2

Our users have also asked the following:

“Would it be possible to update conditional formatting so that the condition "if column A is greater than column B, set column B background color to red" could be done?”

Are more complex conditions something IFS has planned for the Conditional Formatting feature in the future?

Userlevel 3
Badge +9

Hello, just adding to this thread. We also need the ability to rearrange the conditional formatting priority.

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi All - I’ll make sure the Cloud team and product management see this post, but I wanted to make sure you knew that you can submit ideas for product improvements/features in our ideas section - Ideas are evaluated and the status will be set, as we determine if it fits into our roadmap. Other users can chime in and vote on ideas as well.

Badge +2

Hi Kristen.

Should I make an idea for this post or will you notifying the Cloud/Product Management team be enough?

Thank you!

Badge +6

Hello cmojkuu,

We also need this ability. Please create this as an idea so other users can vote.

Thank you!

Badge +2


I believe MitJamieB already has created an idea that’d include what was in the original post here as well:

