Hi & Good day to everyone,
I’m currently executing the upgrade scripts where it is running standstill in the middle of the upgrade, when executing ‘enable_rowkey.sql’.
The output of the _enable_rowkey.log is as follows: (it’s still holding the log file for writing)
Loading rowkey for CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE_TAB
Table CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE_TAB loaded at 2021-10-15 20:21:56
Loading rowkey for EQUIPMENT_OBJECT_TAB
Table EQUIPMENT_OBJECT_TAB loaded at 2021-10-15 20:21:56
Loading rowkey for FND_ROLE_TAB
This is my problem. I will let you know troubleshooting steps done in this regard in my below comments.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Supun Ranatunga.