We are currently working on the upgrade from IFS V8 to IFS Cloud 23R2.
We have events actions for sending e-mail notification to users with an IFS URL.
So, we were forced to update all this navigation URL to be in accordance with Cloud version.
Example of an URL added in an event action :
https://uat1.ifs.asf.pri/main/ifsapplications/web/page/ChangeRequest/Form;$filter=RequestNo eq $REQUEST_NO$
This kind of URL is working smoothly but only for the related environment.
The issue we are facing is that as we are on a test environnement and not on the PROD environment, the beginning of the URL is working today but it will not work tomorrow in the PROD environment as it will not be the same.
Consequently, to avoid modifications on all events actions containing an URL, we would like if it possible to use a dynamic URL that will change depending on a variable which will be, in our case, the system URL value entered in the system parameters.

Thanks for your help