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Serial objects rename / deletion

  • February 13, 2023
  • 7 replies



The issue I am having is that I am wanting to import some assets but some are already there but incorrect.  The status of these has been set to scrapped.


Is there a way to rename the serial number so that I can import the correct information ?


  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • February 13, 2023

Hi @JannetteC 

This should be possible by navigating to ‘Part Serial’ and then ‘Rename’ from the Serial Object page. And you might need to make sure that ‘In Inventory’ is the current position.





  • Hero (Customer)
  • February 13, 2023

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your response, how do I make the part as ‘In Inventory’ ?


  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • February 14, 2023

Hi @JannetteC,

One way is to create a Repair Work Order for the connected part and navigate to the Return tab on the Work Task and return that part to inventory. 


This is not really my area but here is an extraction from the documentation:

“This activity is used to enter information on parts that must be returned from a  task in work order to inventory or to return rental assets to inventory which had been issued to a task in work order. You can register the quantity of each part you want to return. After you complete the registration, the part may be returned to inventory.
This activity can be also used to return the parts that need to be repaired. Since it is a broken part it is possible to update the value of the part when returning.

  • When you return rental parts into inventory that had been rented in from a supplier, you are asked whether you want to return parts directly to the supplier or not. You can perform the supplier return process subsequently.
  • For a broken serial part (i.e Including parts connected to a serial object) a return line will automatically be created if the user intend to the repair the part. When a work order is created from a component repair order, and the part is issued to be repaired from the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab, a new line with the Repair Part option selected is created. The part that was repaired from the work order can be brought back to the inventory using this tab. The work order cannot be finished before returning the repaired parts to inventory.

If the IFS/Fleet and Asset Management solution is installed, return lines can be used to enter removals of a component from a serial structure to be repaired. On the return line, information regarding which serial the component is removed from, the structure date and remarks can be entered. If the Add to Structure Change log option is enabled, the return will automatically create a removal transaction in the structure change log for the work task when the Return Parts to Inventory option is run. On the work task, the structure change log is used for tracking removed and installed parts, both non-serialized and serialized, when executing a work scope.

On the return line, the Record Part Off option can be used to log a component being removed from a structure without yet being returned. Since a removal can be performed before the actual return is done, this option is used to create a removal transaction in the structure change log independent of the return.

When returning a part to inventory, you can order the part tag report and serviceability tag report for the part. These reports can then be printed and sent to inventory along with the part.

The serviceability tag refers to the tag used in the Aviation industry to clearly identify an uninstalled component or assembly and its current status. If the part being returned is a serial part, the serviceability tag will be ordered in the status determined by the operational status and operational condition (current or new operational condition) of the serial. Therefore, for serials with the Scrapped operational status, the serviceability tag will be ordered and prepared for printing with the Scrapped serviceability status. For serials with the Operational operational condition, the tag will be printed with the Serviceable serviceability status and for serials with the Non Operational operational condition, the tag will be printed with the Unserviceable serviceability status.
For non-serial parts, you need to manually enter the serviceability status in the Print Serviceability Tag dialog that will open once you click Return in this assistant.
Prior to returning a serial to inventory you have the option of changing the operational condition on the serial to either Operational or Non Operational.

Return to Inventory and Ship assistant can be used to return planned returns or parts that are identified to be moved to inventory during execution of the work.

When returning a serial part connected to a serial object, if the corresponding serial object has test points/parameters defined for measurement registration, it is possible to register the current measurement by the time of the move using Register Measurements option in Return to Inventory and Ship assistant. When the relevant return line for the serial is selected, its existing test points/parameters are shown. Then the current measurement of the parameters can be entered. Additionally, it is possible to modify or remove the Update from Object of the parameters if those are no longer applicable after the serial is moved to the inventory. Selecting the relevant parameter lines and clicking Apply registers the measurements entered for the selected parameters and modifies the Update from Object field of each parameter if any change was done.”


I hope it is of some help.


Good luck.

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • February 14, 2023

@JannetteC Or you might just have to go the the page Undo Scrap Inventory Part.

Mayura Wasantha
Superhero (Employee)

The simplest would be use “Move To Inventory” command on the Serial Object. which allows to return the Serial into Inventory. Once moved into 8nventory m the current  position is set as In Inventory. Rename the serial now. Bring back it into the facility.

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • March 8, 2023
danhse wrote:

Hi @JannetteC 

This should be possible by navigating to ‘Part Serial’ and then ‘Rename’ from the Serial Object page. And you might need to make sure that ‘In Inventory’ is the current position.





I have a serial in inventory. The serial object is not connected to a parent object and the serial object operational status is ‘Out of Operation’.

When performing rename as You describe I get this:


What does this mean? When a asset is modified it needs to be renamed but now something is preventing it.


Mayura Wasantha
Superhero (Employee)
AveTonitM wrote:
danhse wrote:

Hi @JannetteC 

This should be possible by navigating to ‘Part Serial’ and then ‘Rename’ from the Serial Object page. And you might need to make sure that ‘In Inventory’ is the current position.





I have a serial in inventory. The serial object is not connected to a parent object and the serial object operational status is ‘Out of Operation’.

When performing rename as You describe I get this:


What does this mean? When a asset is modified it needs to be renamed but now something is preventing it.


Has it been connected to any Service or Request contracts ?



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