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Print Preview - Purchase Order Change Order

  • March 2, 2020
  • 1 reply

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 23 replies

A user wishes to print preview a purchase order change order, before the change order is authorised and the purchase order is updated. The reason for this is the person wishes to review what the updated PO would look like before they commit to authorising.


However whilst on the ‘Purchase Order Change Order’ screen, there is no option to print preview.


My initial thoughts are a custom RMB click to a purchase order quick report. However I would want this to reflect our current PO layout which is designs using report designer. 

1 reply

Hero (Employee)


Maybe I have misunderstood your question, if not, you have mixed up the reporting technologies. In you question

My initial thoughts are a custom RMB click to a purchase order quick report. However I would want this to reflect our current PO layout which is designs using report designer.” 

Quick Reports are ad-hoc reporting and Report Designer is a layout used in Operational Reports. These are two different report types and technologies. Therefore you can’t use Operational Reports layouts such as Report Designer in Quick Reports.

When it comes to Custom Menus, you can add an item to run a Quick Report or an Operational Report.

If this is a Quick Report you can use a SQL query or a Crystal Report Layout. In the custom menu you can select the Quick Report you want which is of the layout type you want.

If this is an Operational Report you can add a custom menu to order your report. Yet, you can’t select the layout  when creating the custom menu as the menu only triggers the ordering of the report. After ordering the report from the menu item you can select your layout from the Print Dialog. If you want to select your layout by default, then you can use Report Rules to select your layout automatically in the Print Dialog.

Hope this help to get to your solution.




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