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Control Plan Settings Serialized Parts




I’m in IFS Cloud 23R1.


I have a scenario where I am raising a Shop Order for 10 parts. The parts are serialized and are manufactured sequentially throughout the day.


I would like to ensure an analysis result is recorded for each serial number before it can be receipted into inventory. However I also need to be able to receipt the parts in individually through the day as they are manufactured.


I set “Analysis Required for Receipt” to yes, but then if I set Inspection Code to:

  • 100% Inspection - I can’t receipt them in individually as I can’t confirm the analysis result individually.
  • Sample size =1 I can receipt in any of the parts as long as I have 1 analysis result registered.

I wondered if I could use the “Mandatory Create Shop Order Analysis Result” in the Quality options settings, but can’t seem to get the behavior I need.


Is there a standard combination of settings I can use to achieve my requirement?

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • May 26, 2024



I am running into an almost identical scenario. I know this question has only been up for a month with no responses. Have you been able to find a solution? If not hopefully having another response will generate more visibility for others to help provide an answer. 

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 29, 2024
RLeary wrote:



I am running into an almost identical scenario. I know this question has only been up for a month with no responses. Have you been able to find a solution? If not hopefully having another response will generate more visibility for others to help provide an answer. 

Thanks for responding - I didn’t manage to find a ‘standard’ solution so looking at a CRIM modify the “Mandatory Create Shop Order Analysis Result” logic to apply to serial numbers as well as lot/batch numbers.

Field Description here for Ref:


Unless there is anyone else who can offer an alternative solution?

Superhero (Partner)

Something to consider:

  • Set Analysis Required for Receipt = No.
  • If the lot size if the shop order is consistent, i.e. always 10, on the Control Plan you could change your data points' sample sizes to Quantity = 1 and create 10 triggers of type Start Shop Order. When the shop order is started 10 analyses will be created, and each serial number can be selected for an analysis.
  • If the lot size varies, you could develop an event for a trigger of type Manual that would take the lot size of the shop order and create the same number of analyses, again with the data points' sample sizes set to Quantity = 1.

Of course, this would require assigning one serial to each analysis rather than having all serials on one analysis.

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 31, 2024
matt.watters wrote:

Something to consider:

  • Set Analysis Required for Receipt = No.
  • If the lot size if the shop order is consistent, i.e. always 10, on the Control Plan you could change your data points' sample sizes to Quantity = 1 and create 10 triggers of type Start Shop Order. When the shop order is started 10 analyses will be created, and each serial number can be selected for an analysis.
  • If the lot size varies, you could develop an event for a trigger of type Manual that would take the lot size of the shop order and create the same number of analyses, again with the data points' sample sizes set to Quantity = 1.

Of course, this would require assigning one serial to each analysis rather than having all serials on one analysis.

Thanks @matt.watters 


That makes sense, and having 10 separate analysis results wouldn’t be an issue.


However, the process concern in this scenario is that when the EOL test is completed, the operator could forget to enter the value into the analysis result. Then, when the Part is received into inventory & packaged up, there is no test record & the part would need to be unpacked to repeat the test.


I can see with your suggestions this would get picked up when the shop order is closed at the end of the day, as there would be uncompleted Analysis Results. But am I right in thinking you would still be able to receive the parts into inventory regardless of whether the result has been completed?


I thought about using a milestone operation, but this doesn’t consider individual serial numbers, just total quantities.

Superhero (Partner)

You would be able to receive into inventory all but the last part as the operation cannot close if an Uncompleted/Unconfirmed analysis result exists.


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