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Shop Floor Workbench usability issues causes efficiency problems due to large volume of orders


While testing the Shop Order Floor Workbench in IFS Cloud we have come across Cloud issues we see challenging in the way of navigating using the Shop Floor Workbench.
Having to go outside Shop Floor Workbench to another window is a major effort given that the window resets every time. Since the filters are forgotten (when navigating to another screen and then go back) and there is no link between where you went from and where you are going to. You always must remember a lot of information, to be able to perform the next step.
This limitation has a major business impact and to avoid this, we want to explore the possibility of following:
The specific Shop Order in a popup. Illustration below.

Access to the Shop Order in Shop Floor Workbench is used when:
• We change the need date for planning purposes
• Make changes to the BOM (Bill of Material) to keep traceability in IFS while adapting to real world production conditions
• Change alternates
• Make changes to the number of units needed on the SO.
• In some cases, used to custom field reporting.

If a pop up with a window within a window is possible and, we would also want to have material transaction as the same function. Depending on the production department, automatic reservations do not make sense, in more than a few cases, manual reservations are needed. See the proposed improvement below:

Productions using manual reservations/issue needs quick access to the material lines when:
• We plan production
• During production
• Partially report a SO
• Easily identify mismatch between physical stock and ERP stock.
• Used when finalizing a Shop Order

8 replies

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

Unfortunately we have not identified any way technically in IFS cloud  web client framework to make it possible to keep the previous identified employee/team and filter when navigating back to workbench from another page.

However, we have tried to make all the activities that a shop floor operator using a shared device may need available from the workbench page itself. For instance we have added the possibility to manually issue material and register control plan inspection without having to navigate to another page.

For other type of users like production planners / shop floor supervisors using their own device, we have made it possible to by-pass the identification step. So if the user is linked to one person which is linked to one employee, the identification step is bypassed.

What type of user performs the activities you have mentioned that required to work on other pages?

Finally, a good practice is to have one tab open with workbench, and another tab for say shop order page. then if you need to work on the shop order, you can copy the order number from workbench and search for it on the shop order page on the other tab. 

Anders Edvardsen
Do Gooder (Customer)

hi, Bjørn,

I am responding to your answer here since this is something we want to be addressed in the Cloud. We are going live with this in September. Are there any possibilities for it to be resolved?

The users that performs this activities in SFWB are user linked to one person which is linked to one employee.




Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

@Anders Edvardsen When it comes to navigating back to workbench from another page, it will re-populate workbench. This we have not found any possibility to resolve. Can be worked around by having workbench in one tab. and work on other pages in separate tabs.

But if you have a user linked to one person linked to one employee, the identification step will be bypassed, and operations will be populated according to the default filter linked to the employee.


Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 566 replies
  • May 1, 2024
Björn Hultgren wrote:

@Anders Edvardsen When it comes to navigating back to workbench from another page, it will re-populate workbench. This we have not found any possibility to resolve. Can be worked around by having workbench in one tab. and work on other pages in separate tabs.

But if you have a user linked to one person linked to one employee, the identification step will be bypassed, and operations will be populated according to the default filter linked to the employee.


Could one possibility be that for any menu item that navigates to another page (e.g., Shop Order, Material Availability, Manual Reservations for materials, Shop Order Handling Unit Structure), always open these pages in another tab?

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

@matt.watters Yes, our plan is to change so that the navigation commands available from Shop Floor Workbench open the page in a new tab. However, it requires additional framework support to be able to bulknavigate (selecting more than one record to navigate). We're working with framework to add support for this, and then we can proceed. 

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

In IFS Cloud 24R2 release, all commands on the Shop Floor Workbench page that navigates to another page will now be opened in a new tab. Hence, you can simply close the new tab when finished working on that page and return to shop floor workbench without having to identify the employee/team and enter filters again.

Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 109 replies
  • August 8, 2024

@Björn Hultgren do you know if will this be a client control property that we can use at our discretion? 

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

@PhillBronson It doesn’t look like this property is available in the page designer, but I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to page designer. Anyway I agree it would be useful, so consider requesting this from the Idea section of the community. 


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