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Component issuing and Header part receiving cost are different in shop order

  • March 24, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hello IFS,  shop order Issuing component part cost and header part receiving cost should not be different when Qty per Assy is ‘1’ and also there is no BY-Product.

But in my case component part issue by Inventory cost 107749.7560 and receive header manufactured part by inventory cost 49564.8878 

Both component issue and Receive Qty is 460 nos. and also there is no By-Product or scrap factor or component factor.

When it is possible and how this will resolve?


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  • Hero (Employee)
  • 208 replies
  • April 12, 2022


There are many factors deciding the Receiving Cost, main ones are Inventory Valuation method of the Part and The Part Cost level that has been received from the Shop Order.

This information can be seen in the Acquisition Tab of the Inventory Part Window,.

If the  Inventory Valuation Method is Standard Cost and Part Cost Level is Cost per Part, then it is the Unit Cost set by the part Cost is used as the Receiving Cost , in case the unit cost is not established, then the Shop Order Estimated Cost (can be seen in the Shop Order Costs window) is used.

Most common case is that the Shop Order must be having some operations and there are costs associated with those Operations. In addition to that there can be Material or general Overheads associated with the Shop Order part.

You can see this information in the Shop Order Costs window.

Further if you open the Inventory Transaction history and Search for the OOREC Transactions created for this Shop Order Number, in the Cost Details tab, you can see what consists the receiving Cost.

The costs other than the Material Costs (Machine and Labor Costs)  would cause this cost difference .

So please check the Costs in the Unit Cost of the Shop Order part, if the Part is Standard Costs with part Cost Level = Cost per Part. if not check the Estimated Cost in the Shop Order Costs window and you would see what other costs involved in the Receipt.

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