(In my below comments I talk about using RRP to validate Master Schedule Level 1 plan. You can use RRP together with S&OP and Master Schedule Level 0)
The Load Source could be either of:
- Supply
- System considers the Master Scheduled Receipts that have not been converted into orders + the Shop Order supply
- Unconsumed Forecast and Demand
- System considers the unconsumed forecast quantities and actual demands (typically CO Line demands)
- Projected Onhand
- Systemt considers the projected onhand calculated in master scheduling level 1
RRP can handle other unit of measures than HOUR
For example, you can use the load source Projected Onhand if storage space might be an issue. So let say that you have a key resource (= work center) “Refrigirator Space” with unit of measure square meters.
Unconsumed Forecast and Demand can be useful when shipments occurs much later than production, perhaps because of seasonality. Perhaps the Shipping Department can only deliver X pcs per day. Then you create a work center “Shipping Department” with UoM PCS with load source Unconsumed Forecast and Demand.
Supply is probably the easiest load source to understand. But again, you can create a special work center with another UoM than HOUR.
RRP considers only master scheduled parts.
CRP considers master scheduled parts, MRP planned parts and DOP etc.
When it comes to CRP and master scheduled receipts, it loads the master scheduled receipts that have NOT been converted to Shop Order Requisitions or Shop Orders. And of course, for those parts, it loads, the Shop Order Requistions and Shop Orders.
I hope this helps. The dogma behind RRP is: “Know before you Go” :-)