Hi Anna,
Have you found the problematic part/order?
When I look at the code and doing some thinking here behind the R&D walls… I thought since you are using a kind of late Apps10 version… we are doing some more advanced date logic in the Snapshot_Summary method. If you run MRP and check in “Plan Safety Stock Receipt considering MRP Run Date” MRP logic nowadays asks purchasing date logic for a realistic receipt date to replenish the safety stock. Something might go wrong here for you.
So if you run with this setting and get the error, try run it without this setting.
Anyway I realize we should improve the error detection logic here, so that you also at least get the part number as well.
Another cause of the problem could be strange time phased safety stock setup - coz this is also managed in this part of the MRP code.
Please log a support case.
Best Regards,