Dear community.
When an employee starts indirect/production using the Shop Floor Workbench they are prompted with a Warning that they have not registered an attendance In clocking (as we do not clock in/out).
This creates a record on the interval tab of the Time Card Day with the in time.
When the employee stops indirect/production the MFG clocking/results are created but no OUT time is created, so the employee can finish for the day and the Out clock never gets populated.
Then the employee can try to book in Time Registration to another indirect shop order and they get the message

It is not calculated as there is no end clocking, but what will insert the end clocking since the employee doesnt clock for attendance, only for shop orders?
This error then stops any entry on the time registration , even for other days, and no results are generated for that day, so the day can not be authorized for payroll transfer.
What am i missing ?
Thanks as always!