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Purchase Requisition tied to a Work Order and MRP Interaction

  • November 21, 2023
  • 2 replies

Sidekick (Customer)


We are trying to figure out if the following scenario is “as intended” IFS behavior:

Question:  What’s the “correct” way to source INVENTORY parts for my WO when Inv Part in Stock =0?

Scenario:  Test with 0 in stock (MMR = Maintenance Material Req.): 

  1. Enter Inv P/N xx on WO/Req..s Tab/Part Req. Lines Tab  --  Save (sys auto-adds an MMR line),  --  leave Pur.Req. in Planned
  2. Release MMR header
  3. Run MRP.

MRP creates Pur.Req. for MMR line seemingly ignoring the WO tied (planned) Pur.Req. supply.

This creates an over-supply for xx.  Is this as intended behavior?


Here's the over-supplied P/N xx :


Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • Ultimate Hero (Partner)
  • November 22, 2023

@ttzeleznik I would have expected that MRP will consider the already existing supply (PR) and not create a new requisition. I see you are using planning method M. Could you maybe try to change it to G and set an order cover time = 1 to check if maybe method G works better.


Another way to avoid this would be use a planning method which is not considered by MRP, i.e. B or C

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • November 22, 2023

@Marcel.Ausan   Thanks for the suggestions. Switching to Plan Meth G failed as M; over supply:

Tried Plan Meth B but the method doesn’t fit our needs since it doesn’t consider regular MMR demands or any demands I believe:

I also for on the IFS Documentation, ….../ifsdoc/documentation/en/Planning/AboutMrp.htm :


Thoughts?  I’m thinking Bug Case to IFS……

Thank you, Troy


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