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I tried to add two custom fields to screen Shop Order Operations in IFS10 Upd6. The fields don’t show up however.

With I thought I solved the issue. However that is not the case.

My situation is:

Image 1 - Shop Order Operations

Apparently a join is used (image 1 item 1). The fields (image 2 item 2) don’t show up, neither are they available on the left as hidden columns.

Image 2 - Custom Field definition

As you can see the fields are Approved and Published. The LU is synchronized. The Join view (image 2 item 1) is also Approved and Published.

I’ve reloaded the Shop Order Operations screen. Logged out and in again. Refreshed the page.

I have the idea that when a join is in place, custom fields are a no go. Who helps me with showing I’m wrong.



After posting my question I saw:

Think I’m having the same problem.


I am not sure we have the same problem because objkey in my case was not ticked . I just tried on the same screen than you, we are on Apps 10 UPD 6 and it worked. I added column Test.

Can you see your new fields if you do a select on shop_order_operation_join_cfv?

Kind Regards,

