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mWO Service Engineer app Android error




We are on Cloud 23R2 and using mWO service engineer app. Our users have updated to the latest app version from Google Play store, and are getting this error. We have cleared storage, and started from the scratch but the error persists. The mobile users are getting frustrated due to constant issues with the app. 



12 replies

Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka I think the best course of action is to report a Support Ticket so that we can investigate this properly.

That said, some questions for you, and these would be important to include in your support ticket too, so that we can zero in on the root cause of the issue.

  1. Are all of your Android users experiencing this crash or a subset? if a subset, what is the difference between the groups?
  2. What is your Android device and OS version where you experience this? if you have a mix, please list all.
  3. Are there any users still running the previous update? are they also experiencing this?
  4. Which version were you running previously where you did not experience this issue? (the last version before this was 24.3.1172)
  5. Are you able to login and initialize? If so, can you share your device logs with me via e-mail please? PM me for contact information if you don’t have it already.
  6. What is your track and SU level on the backend? when did you apply this update?
  7. Did anything else change in your environment recently (e.g.: new users onboarded, network configuration or firewall rules changed etc.)?
  8. Does this recreate on something other than your Production environment? if so, can you share environment details and test user credentials via a PM with me please?

We do of course test each version extensively before it reaches the Google Play Store, but perhaps you encountered a scenario that wasn’t covered in our testing. If this did indeed start after updating to 24.5.1214.0 of MWO Service and all users running this version are affected, the best short term mitigation strategy is to get the help of your Support colleagues and request the previous version (24.3.1172) from the Archive and sideload it to your devices until we identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

Best regards,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 61 replies
  • May 22, 2024
Rukmal Fernando wrote:

@athasanka I think the best course of action is to report a Support Ticket so that we can investigate this properly.

That said, some questions for you, and these would be important to include in your support ticket too, so that we can zero in on the root cause of the issue.

  1. Are all of your Android users experiencing this crash or a subset? if a subset, what is the difference between the groups?
  2. What is your Android device and OS version where you experience this? if you have a mix, please list all.
  3. Are there any users still running the previous update? are they also experiencing this?
  4. Which version were you running previously where you did not experience this issue? (the last version before this was 24.3.1172)
  5. Are you able to login and initialize? If so, can you share your device logs with me via e-mail please? PM me for contact information if you don’t have it already.
  6. What is your track and SU level on the backend? when did you apply this update?
  7. Did anything else change in your environment recently (e.g.: new users onboarded, network configuration or firewall rules changed etc.)?
  8. Does this recreate on something other than your Production environment? if so, can you share environment details and test user credentials via a PM with me please?

We do of course test each version extensively before it reaches the Google Play Store, but perhaps you encountered a scenario that wasn’t covered in our testing. If this did indeed start after updating to 24.5.1214.0 of MWO Service and all users running this version are affected, the best short term mitigation strategy is to get the help of your Support colleagues and request the previous version (24.3.1172) from the Archive and sideload it to your devices until we identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

Best regards,


Hi Rukmal,

Thanks for the response.

Ideally I’d like to have a device that I can keep for IFS to look at. But these are the devices used in the field, and they need to be up and running all the time for the techs to take it with them - therefore we are forced to put the old version back on it so they can at least use the system.

Having said I have some information for your queries if they can be of any help. 

  1. Can’t really see a link apart from that they have all updated from 24.3 to 24.5. All devices are provided by the company and are Samsung A32 and A34. So far only about 8 techs have reported it, out of the pool of about 60. Some of the ones who didn’t report are still on 24.3 version. My personal phone is on Oppo Reno 11F in the latest mWO version and not seeing the issue.
  2. See a screenshot below


  3. Yes, occassionally we used to get the same error with 24.3, but all get fixed after clearing storage and reinitializing. With the 24.5 version, even uninstalling and reinstalling the app doesnt fix the error - forcing to install the 24.3 version with the apk file. So fairly certain that the error is sticking with 24.5, but it goes away with 24.3 after a app reset. Still happened only for about 10-15% of the users.

  4. We started off with 24.3.1172 as we went live only about 3 weeks ago.

  5. No worries, going to extract the device logs next time (took a while to find where the device logs are).

  6. Application service update: 23.2.0

    Framework service update: 23.2.0

    IFS Cloud Web version:

    IFS OData provider version:

  7. We did. The users have OpenVPN client on their devices to connect to the database. But nothing that I can think of why 24.3 would work and not 24.5

  8. Never could try this in any test environments as the issue is noticed with devices out on the field - they need to be connected to the prod environment.

I will email you when I have device logs. Hopefully we can help each other.


One question - what is the IFS’s expectation with the new app versions. Do you expect the customers to let the devices automatically get the latest app updates via Play Store? Or, should we not let the devices get updated - potentially avoiding issues like this?




  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 12 replies
  • May 22, 2024



I’ve tested MWO Service app on multiple environments for different customers and all have the same issue - in about a minute after login the app either crashes or logs you off. This is only with the 24.5 app version so you are definitely not alone. What I spotted is if on the initialise you tell the app to turn off location tracking then app doesn’t crash anymore. It’s not great as my customers want to have a location on but at least it gives you a workaround until IFS fixes this app version.

Hope that helps.



Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka and @CooErikaS We’ve just made a new version of MWO Service available (version 24.5.1219.0) based on one customer who had a recreatable scenario, and we believe this is very likely to resolve it in your cases too. Could you test this version and share your experience please?

There is unfortunately a small chance that it still recreates, in which case the device logs would be very useful to narrowing down the root cause.

Many thanks for your patience!


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Thanks @CooErikaS, always reassuring to feel you’re not alone in this world lol

Hi Rukmal, that’s great. We’ve had couple of techs who are on the 24.5.1214 and reported the app crash and forcing to re-login. We’ve put the latest 1219 from App Store and they haven’t reported any issue after. We’ve grabbed the device logs - I will email it out to you. Seems like it is a fix - but we will know more in the coming days.

As you’re in the dev team, can you please shed some insight on the following:

  1. Now we have users on 24.3 which was proven to be stable, and the latest 24.5.1219 which looking promising so far. Is this alrright or should all users be on the same version?
  2. Should we reset/clear storage everytime an app update happens or an automatic update from App Store is sufficient? We’ve always found resetting the app is cleaner and less prone to issues - but that means it is a painful process and require remoting to the devices.
  3. Once the app updates, we’ve noticed the Cloud page still shows as they are syncing with the old app. And they complain that they aren’t seeing any jobs being sent to them. When they initialize it brings back to normal. Is this expected behavior?



Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka Glad to hear 1219 has been working well! If you do notice anything amiss, please let us know and please include the steps and device logs in such case.

On your questions:

  1. 1219 addressed a change in Push Notification message structure caused by Google changing an API, so I recommend that you plan to upgrade your remaining users sooner than later.
  2. Automatic update should be sufficient in most cases and means that you do not have to keep re-initializing your devices.
  3. Could you explain this, and perhaps share some screenshots and device logs via e-mail please?



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 61 replies
  • May 27, 2024

Hi Rukmal,

Have a few feedback with the latest version. Laregely we haven’t heard much from the folks out on the field - which usually means it is working okay.

The below user who had the app working well last week (with the latest update), couldn’t log on with it today with the below error. We remoted in to the device, reset the storage and started from the sctratch, but nothing worked. Only a restart of the phone worked. I have the device logs - but it has the info after being able to log in.


This issue occurred on my Oppo Reno 11FG too. Nothing worked until I decided to restart the phone. 



Plus some users (including my personal phone) throws this random notification. There is no information, but just like a ping. The user who sent the below screenshot said he is even off the vpn connection,



Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka do you have anything in your Oppo device’s device logs? if so, can share you share it via email please? Please also let us know the time (even approximately) of important events like the crashes, OS restart and successful login.

The blank notification seems related to the Push Notifications change that Google are initiating, so we’ll take a look. Again, if you can get us some logs that correspond to 4.50pm on Friday, that will be helpful to see what was going on at that time.



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 61 replies
  • May 27, 2024

Thanks, Rukmal. I’ve noticed the blank notification on my test device (Samsung A34 5G) as well. Have emailed you bug reports along with a screenshot.

Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka thanks, we’re looking into it. The error with “Android.Content.ActivityNotFoundException” however is older, from late April right (see linked post)? Right now I don’t see it as related to the FCM changes or the new 24.5.1219 version, but we’re looking into it anyway.



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 61 replies
  • May 27, 2024
Rukmal Fernando wrote:

@athasanka thanks, we’re looking into it. The error with “Android.Content.ActivityNotFoundException” however is older, from late April right (see linked post)? Right now I don’t see it as related to the FCM changes or the new 24.5.1219 version, but we’re looking into it anyway.



Hi Rukmal, yes that error occurred for a previous version but the attached picture is from a device having the latest mWO version. Seems like the same error is occurring for the latest app version as well. A restart of the phone is the known work around that works. What does that error mean? 

Rukmal Fernando
Superhero (Employee)

@athasanka did you report it back in April as Johan suggested? if so, we’ve not had it come through to our team yet, and my conclusion is that the issue still remains in the latest version. Unfortunately without proper investigations, we can only speculate what it means.

That said, we are taking a quick look based on the logs you shared, and if we can identify the root cause, we’ll look to address it in an upcoming SU, but you will not have the same traceability as you would with a Support Ticket 😉

Best regards,



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