Does anyone know if it is possible in IFS to report different type of work for differen wage codes. The work is not necessary related to manufacturing processes (can though), it can also be different kind of office work tasks. As an example attendance time is normal time and is registered for one wage code, then if the employee does a specific work task for example security work or attends to certain meetings these should be registered for another wage code.
The reason to separate these work tasks from normal time is that the hourly payment is higher than the “normal” work and should be transferred to payroll. So an employee has two different hourly rates depending of the nature of the work
With Indirect job I am able to register different kind of jobs but it is not linked to wage codes.
As an example below
Attendance: 7,5 h
Different wage code for meeting: 2 h
Different wage code for security: 1 h
Normal wage code for remaining attendance: 4,5 h

Any ideas can this be done in standard or is configuration/modification only option?