Have a client requirement for creating Project Forecast/Budget on an Annual Basis but do not find any option in Project Forecast window where I can set up the Accounting Period Start Date & Accounting Period End Date for the specific Project Forecast/Budget which will indicate this Project Forecast/Budget for the specific accounting year.
Request you to please let me know if this can be possible or do we need to go for CRIM?
Do we have a workaround for this?
Best Regards,
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Hi Rakesh,
You could create a subproject or activity per Year the project is running.
In B&F you can only divide the cost per financial period withing a budget (or forecast) line
By setting up the WBS/Project plan per year you can also budget per year
Hope this helps a bit
Regards Erik
Hi @EriLNL
Thank you so much for the response.
I have created activities per year the project is running.
But I am not able to set up Project Forecast/Budget for a particular financial year.
Humbly request you to please let me know where I can set up forecast/budget per year wise as in Project Forecast window it is not allowing me to divide the cost per financial year.
Screenshots will be really helpful.
Thank you so much in advance.
Best Regards,
Hi Rakesh,
It depends a bit on the type of business, I know the requirement more from a Departmental project, like an IT department, so I created an example for that. But probably you can do that also for Customer facing Projects
What I basically did was start with the year, and then the the sub projects if needed.
Now you can create a budget at year level (2023 and 2024) or as I did per activity for a specific year
In reporting you can roll it up to project and any CBS level.
Hope this makes it more clear
Regards Erik
Hi @EriLNL ,
Thank you so much for the explanation.
Just a query , before creating a sub project how you created the Year in the hierarchy. Screenshots will be really helpful.
Best Regards,
Hi Rakesh,
It is the normal flow of setting up multiple sub project levels withing the project
You create the year as top Sub project:
Then selecting that subproject you create a new sub project under 2024 in this case:
And in the details you can define the sub project under 2024: