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During manufacturing operation(s), it very well may be the case that you'd want to restrict the Manufacturing Employees from re-opening the Shop Orders based on your exact requirement and operating guidelines.

In this scenario, you may edit the user profile settings as follows:

1) Navigate to 'Users' screen
2) Click on 'Create New User'
3) Search for the User Identity in question using the Search Option
4) Locate the User Setting enabled for this user (Permission Set) from the navigator
5) Click on this enabled permission set
6) Click on the 'View/Edit Permission Set' link
7) This opens the Permission Set (in more detail)
😎 Select the 'Database Objects' tab
9) Enter '' in the search bar, and click on 'Find' button
10) Select the Database Object(s) - 'Open' and 'Open_'
11) Upon each selection, you may uncheck the method calls pertaining to Open and Open_ against the SHOP_ORD_API as the logical unit/package

I maybe a little off the mark here, but if someone normally says “the database should allow this and that, but only when this and that are true” it tends to lend itself to an event / action combo… the only risk you may have here is with mutating table as I’m guessing some of your criteria maybe stored on the same table??



In most business cases you cannot simply retake whole reopening permission because sometimes they (they = manufacturing key-Users) REALLY need to reopen. So you have a picture that in one situation the same User should have the possibility, and in another situation he shouldn’t :)

We tried with Custom Event -> if SO is closed for more than n-days, don’t allow to reopen. But then we accidentally blocked invoice consideration (PO invoice matching) and other standard revaluation events such as semi-product transaction correction.

It ended with Custom Event that didn’t blocked reopening, only informed by email or stream. If SO was reopened by User, that doesn’t belong to Invoice Matchning User Group, send e-mail to Directors.

BR, Lukasz

you could use a custom event partnered with a permission set, in that, when the event was triggered it checked against a user to make sure they had “REOPEN_SHOP_ORDER” this way, you can grant a very basic functional role to a limited number of users, leaving the majority unable to perform the action.
