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I am trying to exclude certan W/D/R’s from my data, i think it is to many and was hoping to find a way to make this work. below is my SQL and the error i get when i try to save it in data source designer, the preview shows the correct data but it will not save. Thank you for any help you might have


Hi @Rpauley,

Which version of the App are you running? The error give the impression that there is a variable length issue with the statement in whole but since DS’s definition is stored as Clob, it seems quite strange. 

Have you tried saving the DS without the lengthy W/D/R condition? If that you are able to save without that, that would tell you that the problem is probably with the length of the condition. If for some reason that is the case, you can work around that by creating a simple IAL (i.e. excluded WDR) and using a sub query as your condition without having to have everything in the DS it self. 

i.e. WAIV_DEV_REJ_NO not in (Select WDR from ifsinfo.excluded_wdr)



Hi @Rpauley,

Please try executing your query from a database client such as SQL Developer or PL/SQL developer, also check if one of the datatypes of the WDR number is not a String. The suggestion is something @Sajith

mentioned, probably a different subquery that involves fewer characters.

Thank you everyone, it does save with out the string, so i just need to find a away to shorten it. Thank you again