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Shop Order Split and Set up Time

  • January 28, 2025
  • 1 reply



We use the comprehensive split function to split large shop orders into smaller batches. As an example, we mix ingredients in 1000 lb. batches as that is the max capacity of the mixing machine, however, the full shop order is for 10,000 lbs. so we split the larger shop order into 10 x 1,000 lb. shop orders. When we do that, though, setup time is planned for on each split shop order when in reality we only set up once and then all subsequent shop orders that were split into do not need set up. The result is large cost variances.

I understand the reason why this would happen, but is there a way to remove this setup time from 9 of the 10 shop orders in the example above? Does anyone else have a similar situation where they were able to solve for this issue?

1 reply

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

What you can do is to create an operation block and connect the 10 operations into the operation block, then schedule the operations to run one after each other, and select to schedule with 0 setup time between the operations. Then only the first operation will have the setup time.




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