There is an audit query raised by our external auditors (EY) with regard to the closing balance of WIP Account ( GL- 110101002- CA-INV-Work in Progress at Production).
As at the year end (31st March 2020) mentioned account has a balance of USD 1,430,630.78. From the audit perspective they are in doubt of identifying a negative balances of USD 189,251.61 (which comprise in 1,430,630.78) in the financial statements in the financial year 2019/20. Major reason for such is to identifying a finished good at an estimate value which will not be 100% accurate against actual cost of the respective shop order.
For example :-
• Actual Cost '<' Estimated Cost = WIP Credit Balance (Negative Value)
• Actual Cost '>' Estimate Cost = WIP Debit Balance (Positive Value)
So following elements should be explained.
• How the system identify WIP credit Balance?
• How the system identify WIP debit balance with respect to zero quantity/minus quantity ?
• How the system identify WIP value without physical quantity?
• How the system identify WIP value with minus inventory?
• How the system identify WIP value in close shop orders?
• How the system identify WIP value against the shop order quantity?