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Hyperlink to Maintenix Reference Document or Requirement



We have the possibility to go to a Barcode with an hyperlink with the following format:

Do you have similar hyperlink definition to go directly to a document in the baseline?

like a Refdoc, a Requirement code…? by definition the baseline documents do not have Barcodes.




Best answer by OlivierAF

Hello Robert

We often have to extract data to make MTX survey of references document or requirements.

The idea is when the extraction is focusing on a assy code and a RefDoc code is to have an hyperlink to go straight to the RefDoc shortcuting the Search Page as you said.

Having the shortcut you avoid going to search page, selecting a search mode, selecting an assy, copy paste the refdoc code to access the Refdoc Page

I was believing that having the  assy_code:RefDoc_code is similar to task_db_id:task_id  and may be considered as a unique identifier and being able to build an hyperlink to go to the RefDoc Page.


Barcode is a good solution also but since assiy and code exists...simple is the best.

I will transfer it into IDEAS section.


Best Regards




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Robert Bellemare
Hero (Employee)

Hi Olivier,

If your system is not running with Encrypt Parameters enabled, then the reference document page can be bookmarked, and this URL can be shared. If a user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the login page, but retrying the URL again will result in accessing the page.



  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • October 7, 2022

Hello Robert,

I can share hyperlink, what I need is, I have a REQ applicable for assembly 777 Code 777-11-28184-1/01

but in the adress bar, I have the below information:

I known the hyperlink link to a TaskDef, i go to a ReqDetail page, but Task Defn is coded 1001003%3A2454149, which does look like 777 & 777-11-28184-1/01, is there trick for decode?



Robert Bellemare
Hero (Employee)

Hi Olivier,

The aTaskDefn is a parameter that takes the format task_db_id:task_id. The code %3A is the delimiter character expressed as encoded URL. The parameter is a primary key in the database. There is no practical way to design a translation from the perspective of an end user without database access. Only a Reference Document search using data from the reference document will find the document, and then recording the URL code can simplify future access.

Let’s say you are using the barcode entry field to open a task. You need a special code (the barcode) to access the document. You cannot design a solution where knowing information about the task can deduce the barcode directly. This is the same question you are asking, you need to already know the special code in advance to use the shortcut. Only a Task Search using data from the task will find the task (of course there are other options to reach the task), and then recording the barcode can simplify future access.

You are trying to shortcut the process of using the reference document search. Perhaps we should review ways to make it easier to use this search as intended. Is there something about this experience that we can improve?

Ultimately, I do understand your request is to provide a barcode to more types of objects to allow direct access. This is worthy of an Ideas post, there are no Ideas for this at the moment.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • October 11, 2022

Hello Robert

We often have to extract data to make MTX survey of references document or requirements.

The idea is when the extraction is focusing on a assy code and a RefDoc code is to have an hyperlink to go straight to the RefDoc shortcuting the Search Page as you said.

Having the shortcut you avoid going to search page, selecting a search mode, selecting an assy, copy paste the refdoc code to access the Refdoc Page

I was believing that having the  assy_code:RefDoc_code is similar to task_db_id:task_id  and may be considered as a unique identifier and being able to build an hyperlink to go to the RefDoc Page.


Barcode is a good solution also but since assiy and code exists...simple is the best.

I will transfer it into IDEAS section.


Best Regards




Robert Bellemare
Hero (Employee)

Hi Olivier,

I understand. If your extracts are performed on the database, it is possible to add a new column that will generate the correct hyperlink. If the extracts use the user interface with the export to excel feature, this will not be possible.


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