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Verification of GDPR data quality before purge?

  • April 18, 2024
  • 1 reply

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 46 replies

We took the GDPR module in use in Apps9 and have used it with success. The challenge is making sure the data is solid before taking action. We had a custom quick report in use to see whose personal data would be handled (deleted or anonymized as per configs) and when. This report functions different now in Apps10 and needs to be remade.

IFS core functionality for checking the situation beforehand was based on email notification in a way where one message per user per company per data entity (employee, person) per purpose was created. We tried it once and got over 2000 emails and do not want to use it ever again.

What other verification methods are you using before the purges?`The aim is to make sure no premature deletions or anonymizations would be made and we’d like to see when and whose data gets handled. This is where the report is a nice way to do it, to have overall view at once whenever needed

 What other ways you are using? Does IFS Cloud have better core way than Apps9/10?

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  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 46 replies
  • January 14, 2025

From this custom quick report of ours we’d like to see which users have a valid purpose for personal data storing and when does each purposes’ storage time end. So it would show when does each person’s data get erased/anonymized based on the configs done if the purge was run.

We don’t have the purge run automatically on a certain interval because we don’t trust the data quality. It could be if it was easy to verify he data quality but since it is not easy, we run the purge manually after necessary chacks in the data each time.

What makes interpreting the report harder is that based on our corporate structure and the way the purposes are set up, there is a line for each employee for each company and each purpose he is related to.

Usually one employee has 1-3 rows in the report and usually the most current one defines the time period after the data is ok to be purged. There’d need to be some kind of refinement added to this, could also be externally in excel etc. to make it more straightforward to interpret.

In addtition to the report we have found it useful to check employee data on the company views for it is much easier to spot missing valid to or valid until dates from there and fill them in.

Each purge is still a little leap of faith and hope for the best that no untimely purges happen.

Wondering if Cloud has some new functionality in this whole GDPR area to ease the administration efforts? The IFS update Enhancement Spreadsheet didn’t seem to have any hits on this matter.


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