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For a client in IFS V10, I’d like to put calendar with flexibility and Over time everyday. At the end of the week, if the sum of Attendance is the normal one, no over time if the sum is more than Attendance than it’s over time.

For exemple, if the employee does 6am to 4 pm all the day, at the end of the week he as done 5 hours of over time. Whereas if he does 6am to 4pm Monday, and 7am to 3pm Tuesday, and the others 6am to 3 pm, at the end of the week he has done his attendance.


Sorry for my English, hope someone can help me.


Best regards

Hi ​@ConStephM 

Are employees allowed to start before 6am? or the flexibility is only on logging out time?

The flexibility is to 6am to 8am and from 5pm to 7pm, as the over time possibility.

The attendance is 38 hours per week


Thank you for helping

Hi ​@ConStephM 

I will recommend you to use Flexible time in working hour rule window and Balance definition functionality to calculate OT


Irrelevant of the flexible working - if the end result is that what you are wanting is a solution to show how many hours over the weekly scheduled hours someone has to be processed as overtime then you can use periodic overtime to calculate this , or the new functionality of the calculation formula definition.


Kind Regards

