Hi @rfedorchuk ,
Welcome to the IFS Community good to have you here.
I wanted to clarify so we are not talking at crossed-purposes.
There are 3 primary user Accounts in the context of IFS Cloud so I want to ensure we are talking about the right set of users.
Use Place User Accounts - These are the users who will actually work in your IFS Cloud solution. Your IFS system Administrator is able to create these and you are not dependant on IFS here. Details on setting up these users are covered in docs.ifs.com here
Build Place User Accounts - (I suspect this is what you mean?) These are users that are involved in developing and tailoring your solution, testing any changes you make to the solution or deploying those changes from the Build Place to the Use Place. Once the user accounts are created you are able to assign roles to these users dependant on the tasks they need to perform. These details are covered here please see the section titled “Grant Access to Build Place” note that this activity can only be setup by an existing user who has been assigned the Build Place Admin role via the Service Center portal
I can see that you and two of your colleagues already have this role assigned so you should be able to access the user management form as per the instructions referenced above in the documentation.
Service Center Portal User Accounts - These are for users who need to access support or cloud services or raise a service request with IFS. The Service Center portal also provides access to our Knowledge database. To request access to the Service Center you can follow the steps detailed in this guide. You will need your unique Customer ID which will ahve been set to you in your IFS Cloud Welcome e-mail and IFS Cloud Welcome Pack. Let me know if you do not have this and I can message you directly.
As mentioned by the previous respondent docs.ifs.com is where you can find all of the documentation for IFS Cloud and there is a comprehensive library of courses at academy.ifs.com as a broad starting point I can recommend our free to access getting started course details here
Let me know if I’ve misunderstood or if you have any challenges with any of the above info and I’ll be happy to help