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Aurena Lobby navigation using an enumeration in filter

  • February 5, 2024
  • 1 reply

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 20 replies

I am attempting to navigate to inventory parts from a lobby. The following web access url address for the nav works 

page/InventoryParts/List?$filter=Cf_Lmw_Inv_Meth eq IfsApp.InventoryPartsHandling.CfEnum_LMWINVMETH'CfEnum_6'

cfEnum_6 returns all the non safety stock inventory methods (6 is the db value for CF$_LMW_INV_METHOD_DB that correlates to LMW_INV_METHOD value of non safety stock)

So essentially CfEnum_6 is the hardcoded value for non safety stock. 

In my case I need this to be a dynamic variable to return the enumerated value based off the users input. 

what would the syntax for this be if using a variable in replacement of ‘CfEnum_6’

my initial thoughts were the following which did not work:

page/InventoryParts/List?$filter=Cf_Lmw_Inv_Meth eq IfsApp.InventoryPartsHandling.CfEnum_LMWINVMETH'CfEnum_[CF$_LMW_INV_METH_DB]'

1 reply

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 20 replies
  • February 7, 2024
above is my lobby element. 

Using lobby navigation 

page/InventoryParts/List?$filter=Cf_Lmw_Inv_Meth eq IfsApp.InventoryPartsHandling.CfEnum_LMWINVMETH'CfEnum_6'

I am brought to all the no safety stock orders when clicking on that bar. However I get brought to no safety stock orders no matter what bar I click on using the navigation above (Re-Order point bar navigates to the same No safety stock records). 

My question is what is the navigation syntax if I wanted to replace “’CfEnum_6”’ with the variable for this field (CF$_LMW_INV_METH_DB) to make the navigation dynamic based of what bar the user clicks on. (Clicking safety stock only bar bringing me to the safety stock only records, Clicking Re-Order point bar bringing me to those Re-Order Point orders)


Does anyone have a solution for this?


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