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Does IFS Enterprise Explorer have any logs that would show how long a user was logged in for a particular day?

Does the answer of oguz in help?

Does the answer of oguz in help?

FND_SESSION_RUNTIME is a view against the instance dynamic performance view GV$SESSION. That doesn't show history.

Would history logging on FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB be a terrible idea?

After enabling history logging on FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB, this looks like it might get me what I need. Unfortunately, since we didn’t previously have history logging, it’s only forward-looking.

I only set up this history logging in a development environment so far. Does anyone know of any potential side effects to this solution?

   SELECT logons.username,
logons.time_stamp AS logon_date,
logoffs.time_stamp AS logoff_date
FROM history_log_tab logons
LEFT JOIN history_log_tab logoffs
ON logoffs.keys = logons.keys
AND logoffs.table_name = logons.table_name
AND logoffs.lu_name = logons.lu_name
AND logoffs.history_type = '3'
WHERE logons.table_name = 'FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB'
AND logons.lu_name = 'FndClientLogon'
AND logons.history_type = '1'
ORDER BY logons.time_stamp DESC;

