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How can I use datepicker for quick report parameter in IFS Enterprise Explorer 10?



To have the date picker for a quick report the report type would need to be something like Crystal or Query Builder. Is it safe to assume that you are referring to a quick report of type SQL Statement?


Hi @Sajith D ,


Yes SQL statement.

Hi @savasciftci ,

Just realized that you can actually do this using a syntax similar to below.

SELECT customer_id,Name 
from ifsapp.customer_info 
where creation_date > &CUSTOMER_INFO.CREATION_DATE



Thanks @Sajith D 

SELECT customer_id,Name 
from ifsapp.customer_info 
where creation_date >   '&m--S-L]CUSTOMER_INFO.CREATION_DATE'

Let’s say we need to check the date range. Can we achieve it? because in the given solution we cannot give the name we want in the parameter list. Any work around please?


SELECT customer_id,Name 
from ifsapp.customer_info 
where creation_date between &From_date AND &To_date

is this Possible in Aureana client as well? I tried the same sql statement but it triggers and error.  
