I have an event action to execute online SQL and I’m getting this error on the background job. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot?
I will say that all other standard IFS email event actions work fine, only when I attempt to do an email through the method below do I have an issue.
Procedure Command_Sys.Mail is overloaded and overloaded procedure is not supported. ORA-20105: Transaction.OVERLOAD
Here’s my SQL statement (taken from another post by
attr_ VARCHAR2(32767);
client_sys.add_to_attr('FROM_USER_NAME_', fnd_session_api.get_fnd_user, attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('TO_USER_NAME_', fnd_session_api.get_fnd_user, attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('SUBJECT_', 'This is your subject line.', attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('TEXT_', 'This is your message body.', attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('MAIL_SENDER_', 'MAIL_SENDER1', attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('ERROR_TEXT_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('ATTACH_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('CC_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('TIMER_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('AUDIT_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('FROM_ALIAS_', NULL, attr_);
-- client_sys.add_to_attr('LABEL_', NULL, attr_);
'This is your background job description.');