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Done a Query Designer to retrieve Lot Quantities by Contract/Part.

Added corresponding entity in InventoryPartHandling projection, create the Association with Contract/PartNo keys .


Page Designer : Set datasource and binding

 Result : OK in english language

After changing the language from English To French : 

No data is retrieved !!!


If association is removed, data are retrieved, but, of course, not filtered according to Contract/PartNo.
Is it an issue, or missing something ?

In english : traces found

 no such traces in french


best regards


I don’t fully understand the entire flow, so I can’t pinpoint exactly where the issue lies. However, a likely suspect is the use of a translated item as a key in the reference or filter. One common source of issues like this is enumeration attributes.

On the other hand, I’m confident that we have many associations in the application that work perfectly across different languages. I’m not trying to be clever here; I just want to emphasize that this doesn’t seem to be a general issue where associations fail universally for languages other than English.

Hi Tofuse,

Thanks. No, there is no translation on fields Contract/PartNo (keys of InventoryPart) (useless since not visible in the tab). There is no enumeration neither.
My datasource is a query designer.
Preview works in french :


Projection Configuration : 

Page Designer : in french

When I change language from ‘fr’ to ‘en’ : it’s OK


In french again, If I remove the asscoiation, I have data :  (… but too much … )

Translatable text : 


Translation done :  nothing for Contract/PartNo

Context for Page Designer



I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first and thought I could prove you wrong. However, I set this up as you described and was able to reproduce the issue as stated. Specifically, when running with the English language, the data populates as expected, but with French, the client fails (choose not) to populate the association. It has been a humbling experience—one should never be too sure.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the time right now to investigate this further, so I’m not certain what the underlying problem is or what might be causing it. However, it seems likely that this is a defect that needs to be addressed.

I recommend entering this issue as a defect so that it can be investigated further.


Kind regards


Thank you Tobias
