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My client plans to share Ifs.Fnd.Explorer.application runtime manifest file for all our users instead of creating shortcut to the IFS landing page due to internal IT reasons. 

Question - Every time we apply IFS Updates or Deliveries to the Application Instance, do we need to copy the latest manifest file again across client PCs or this isn’t required as the ClickOnce file is just a pointer which launches the updated IFS Applications IEE client automatically?

I am 99% sure we don’t need to copy the file again but want to be 100% certain before we follow this approach.

Thanks in advance!


Hi @Srikanth 

Probably not an answer to your question but would be quite interesting to see why the client thinks that sharing the client runtime rather than hosting it in a secure web server would be better for security. This is specially strange if they don’t already have a software packaging and deployment tool that can push the runtime to users so the users will run the application pretty much like they do running another locally installed application.

If you share the runtime and just do a shortcut of some sort that would mean the DLL’s are always loaded through the network and have a considerable network overhead. creating just a short cut would in theory work but if you have strict network security policies in the network i can see lot of things that can go wrong. (i.e. what happens if a user accidentally deletes the shortcut)




Hi @Srikanth,

AFAIK, the only two reasons that would necessitate the replacement of the file is encryption certificate expiry and when an update affects that particular file.

