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is it possible to pass Column value to Lobby navigator

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 96 replies

Hi ,

In App10 is it to possible to navigate to a company specific page by passing Column value from record when clicked (not Parameter).  


$COMPANY$ will pass the param value or we don’t want the user to keep changing company parameters to be able to navigate to the correct page. Thanks 


5 replies


@NMALKI  Check out the section in the Tech Docs on using data values:

Data Values ($[PLACEHOLDER])

Include data values of the element

Example: page/PlanningUnitsAnalysis/List?$filter=OrderNo eq $[ORDER_NO]

  • Author
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 96 replies
  • March 23, 2025

@Tracy Norwillo Thanks for your reply .

The url is really helpful but Company is not a simple filter or param, it is referring to a company specific page.

Only way it worked ifsapf:frmMultiCompanyEntryVoucher?COMPANY=$COMPANY$


Tried many syntax without success like  

ifsapf:frmMultiCompanyEntryVoucher?COMPANY eq $[COMPANY]





I simply want to pass the company value of the selected record during navigation and not the lobby param or default company





@NMALKI Sorry, what I meant to paste in is the exact link to the Lobby Navigation guide.

If you look at the section on passing Data Values, you should be able to use the $[PLACEHOLDER] syntax to pass values from an Element when it is clicked in the Lobby.

I set up an internal test and it works as intended using the above syntax.

Note that the navigation will not work if the company being passed is different than the default company for the Voucher Entry page.  For example, if I click on a Company 1 voucher record in my Lobby Element and my default for the Voucher Entry is Company 10, then the results are a blank Voucher Entry page.


  • Author
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 96 replies
  • March 24, 2025

@Tracy Norwillo This is exactly the issue, Vouchers are in different companies and the finance Manager does not want to keep changing default company every time he needs to navigate to a voucher :(  


@NMALKI Okay, I’ll post that clarification so others can chime in if they know how to override the Default Where COMPANY= for the Voucher Entry form in Apps10. 

Default Where:    COMPANY= :i_hWndFrame.frmMultiCompanyEntryVoucher.i_sCompany AND VOUCHER_UPDATED_DB='N' AND NOT ( VOUCHER_NO <0 AND FUNCTION_GROUP = 'D' AND MULTI_COMPANY_ID IS NOT NULL )



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