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We are thinking to implement an integration using Boomi Connectors and  are new to this.

The integration is to be triggered when user clicks on RMB in IFS10 application.
Using PLSQL_REST_Sender_API I can implement by logic and redirect the data via routing rules and address(connector) , but can I implement something like this using Boomi Connector , i.e, via RMB or event .




Hi , chat to the guys at Platned or Xitricon, they have done this, and can probably help, there are likely others business partners that can help. 


Okay , Thank you .



Hi @Thejaswini .  I’m not sure if you’ve got this sorted already, but you can absolutely do this with Boomi and Custom Events in Apps 10.  Boomi has the ability to be a REST listener, so you create a custom event in Apps 10 to call the boomi listener with the key information (e.g. order number etc.), and use this to trigger a boomi process.  Let me know if you need more info.


Peter Sketch

