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We are seeing inconsistencies in how IFS Cloud is “remembering” the search filters you have selected on pages, when refreshing the page, leaving the page and going back, and also when logging off and back in.  I assume this is stored in the user profile, but let us know it that isn’t the case.  Is this known behavior of the system, or is something not working properly for us?


  1. There seems to be no defined number of fields you can select that will be remembered.  Some pages seem to keep 4 that you have chosen, some may keep 6-7.
  2. The specific fields chosen don’t seem to stick in the order you have chosen them.  I can choose 5 fields, from left to right, but when I go back to the page later, it may have 4 of the fields I had there before, but the 2nd one from the left is gone (unchecked).


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