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If I’m building an entity file on the customization layer, I see the DATATYPE supports both IFSCURRENCY and CURRENCY. What’s the difference between these? Which is preferred?

To my surprise, most of the standard pricing and costing fields are NUMBER, so when is it recommended to use one of these currency formats when creating a new field?

hi @durette 


refer to following link in Technical doc:



Formatting for field:

attribute RoleName Text {  
   format = uppercase;

The following formatting options are available:

  • decimal
  • ifscurrency
  • lowercase
  • percentage
  • uppercase

Number of decimal and use of grouping (thousands separator) are currently hardcoded as below:

IFSCURRENCY: 2 decimals without grouping (Default settings in IEE)

DECIMAL: 2 decimals with grouping (Default for most regional setting on windows.)

hi @durette 


refer to following link in Technical doc:



Formatting for field:

attribute RoleName Text {  
   format = uppercase;

The following formatting options are available:

  • decimal
  • ifscurrency
  • lowercase
  • percentage
  • uppercase

Number of decimal and use of grouping (thousands separator) are currently hardcoded as below:

IFSCURRENCY: 2 decimals without grouping (Default settings in IEE)

DECIMAL: 2 decimals with grouping (Default for most regional setting on windows.)

In the baseline checkout 23.2.5, I see 273 instances of IFSCURRENCY and 88 instances of CURRENCY, so IFS R&D is using an undocumented format.

PS C:\redacted\23.2.5\checkout> Get-ChildItem -recurse -file -path '*.entity' | Select-String -SimpleMatch '<FORMAT>IFSCURRENCY</FORMAT>' | Measure-Object

Count : 273
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
StandardDeviation :
Property :

PS C:\redacted\23.2.5\checkout> Get-ChildItem -recurse -file -path '*.entity' | Select-String -SimpleMatch '<FORMAT>CURRENCY</FORMAT>' | Measure-Object

Count : 88
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
StandardDeviation :
Property :

PS C:\redacted\23.2.5\checkout>


 hi @durette 


the documentation link is about the formatting options available for the NUMBER attributes in projection level as shown below : 


And in ENTITY files you have the following set of formatting options available for NUMBER type attributes


